This summer the world-renowned needlework collectors, Micheál and Elizabeth Feller, will by appointment be opening their idyllic Cotswold manor house to welcome lovers of fine needlework and samplers to view their private, world-class collection of needlework.

Over several decades, Micheál and Elizabeth Feller have lovingly brought together and restored many fine pieces of needlework which are featured in The Feller Needlework Collection Volume 1 and 2.

Last year we were privileged to visit their fabulous home. Micheál and Elizabeth Feller were our guides and they spoke at length with great knowledge and passion about their collection. Their hospitality was second to none.
The visit was such an amazing experience that it was unanimously voted by all to repeat the visit again this year.
Nicola and Jo have been in contact with the Fellers's representative and a date has been scheduled for Wednesday, July 6th 2016. The cost will be the same as last year - £30 per person to include a two hour tour and a buffet lunch at the Manor House (last year it was a two course feast). If there are sufficient numbers there will be a morning tour and an afternoon tour with the two tour parties crossing over to meet and chat over lunch.
Numbers are limited and will be on a first come first served basis. Payment will need to be made in full at the time of booking your place and is non-refundable unless your place can be re-booked. Husbands/partners are welcome.
To book your place please forward payment via paypal to If paypal make a charge then you must cover this yourself as £30 is the actually cost of the tour and lunch. In the message box on paypal please indicate your preference for a morning or afternoon tour and a contact email address. We will try and accommodate everyone's preference but this cannot be guaranteed.
Last year stitchers flew in from the US and Europe and several of us met up the evening before for dinner. We hope to organise another dinner again at a hotel nearby.
Due to security reasons we cannot give out the precise location of the Feller's home on the internet but at this time and for your travel plans we can say that it is in the Cotswolds.

The grounds of the Manor house are delightful and you will be able enjoy a stroll through the gardens.

We look forward to sharing this rare experience with you.